Plus Ultra Motto Facts

More about the Plus Ultra Motto

Plus Ultra is the motto of UA high school as well as several educational institutions - schools, colleges and universities - in real life.

1. Any Boku no Hero Academia episode contains the motto.

Each Boku no Hero Academia episode ends with a character saying loudly:

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!

2. Endeavor hates this motto.

     In the last episode of the 4th season Endeavor says that he has always disliked the UA High School motto Plus Ultra!, but used it when he was about to defeat the high-level Nomu Hood.

3. Plus Ultra is the national motto of Spain.

    In Latin plus ultra means further beyond. During Antiquity in Europe the Strait of Gibraltar was the edge of the known world so that it was called Non Plus Ultra (nothing further beyond). With the start of the Great Geographical Discoveries (the discovery of the New World by Columbus) the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V adopted the motto Plus Ultra. At this time it meant to broaden your horizons, discover new lands, take risks and overcome your flaws in order to achieve excellence. So, Plus Ultra had the purpose to encourage Spanish explorers during the Renaissance.

4. Plus Ultra was a society.

    Wealthy and intelligent people such as Gustave Eiffel, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla and Walt Disney were part of the secret Plus Ultra Society. They all wanted to make more beyond and set up a technocracy.


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